1. How can I track my order?
To track your order, check your order status in My Orders, by logging into your account. Log in to your account here.

Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email containing a tracking ID number and link. If you haven’t received this email be sure to check your junk/spam folder. If you still are unable to find that email, contact our team.


2.What if the costume I ordered doesn't fit?

 If you believe you have been sent the wrong size or that the item has been listed wrong, do not hesitate to contact our team to investigate your claim.


3. How long does delivery take?

Normally takes 5-12 days across Australia. 7-15 days to USA. 7-20 days to the rest of the countries.


4.Can I return or exchange?

Yes, You can return or exchange within 30 days of received, simply contact our customer service live chats on the right hand size of the page or sent E-mail to us. Normally our team will respond all E-mails within 12 hours.